Most people think interviews are just about answering questions correctly.  The truth is, if you ask questions during your interview it may increase your chances of getting the job.

How...?   Well, if you ask questions the employer will like that you have knowledge about the company and a high interest in the position.  This will make you more memorable than applicants that have no questions to ask.  So what kind of questions should you ask??

Ask why the position has become vacant.  Maybe someone was promoted or the company is expanding.  Remember, you are trying to see if this job is a good fit for you too.

Ask about the expectations of the person that holds this position and the goals they have for the new hire.  Try to find out what the goals of the business are, long and short term. 

Ask what the next steps are in the interview process.

It is usually best to have questions ready before you enter your interview.  That way after you are drained from answering all their questions you don't end up being the one to say "no, I think you covered everything"
Not Valuing your work
Low prices are not always going to get you more clients.  If you charge too little, you may not get as many clients because they see a beginner's price.  If you bump your price up you may see an increase in business.  You just need to ask yourself what you think your work is worth.  People hire you because you can do something that they cannot so don't undervalue your work.

Lack of Practice
Just because you went to school to design or you work in design doesn't mean you shouldn't practice.  You need to keep your creativity stimulated.  Just create for yourself to develope your skills further.

Not Creating a Contract
Making a contract is a way to make sure you have a mutual understanding with the client.  Everything to be included in the project should be written in the contract.  It should specify deadlines and timing, means of communication, and payment.