There are many things that contribute to clearly presenting information.  These are some of the things I've learned:

Legibility:  Avoid using fancy fonts as they are difficult to read.  Use a proper font color in respect to the background color to be sure the content is as easy to perceive as possible.

Readability: Your content should be easy to read and understand.

Usability:  Information presented should be efficient, visually pleasing, and easy to learn and remember. 

Use of Contrast:  Information presented should show a difference in appearance in two or more parts seen simultaneously or successively.  Contrast is used to draw attention to important parts of your page.  Use letter style, size, and color.

Visual Lines:  Your users' eyes should be guided vertically or horizontally with the white space and content.

Consistency:  Information that is presented should be consistent in both appearance and usage.
This week the instructor asked what the benefits of using CSS are...  These are a couple of benefits I could think of:

CSS separates content from presentation.  This can help by making sure all Pages on the Web site have a consistent look and feel.  The more pages you have, the more time you save by only writing the code once rather than on every page.  Also, to change the look of  a page you only have to change one document and not all the documents for the Web site.

Another benefit of CSS is a reduced file transfer rate.  The CSS file is only downloaded once by the visitor’s browser and is re-used for the other pages on the site.  The use of CSS will result in a faster load time and may cut your web hosting costs.


My class recently covered the importance of navigation flow and guidelines to create a proper navigation flow.

These are some of the guidelines:
-The most important information should be at the top, left hand section of the page.
-A flow should be created from top to bottom, or left to right.
-Alignment, grouping, and borders can be used to assist in navigation.
-Always direct the user's attention to the most important item.

Usability guidelines were also covered in class:
-Easy to read fonts and colors should be used.
-Ensure that all pages on the Web site have a consistent look and feel.
-Lay out the content properly and make sure to use white space to guide the user's eyes

You always want to make sure your design enables as many users as possible to benefit from your web services.
Seems like I may be having some luck with freelance artwork.  Just finished a "Pin the tail on the Yoshi" game for someone.  I will post photos soon.  It is so nice to be doing something I love, even if it is just something on the side.

I will have another project coming in soon, a charcoal drawing of a boxer.  People love their dogs, and I love drawing them.  If I can keep up these little projects they will help pay the bills quite nicely.  Looking forward to many more freelance opportunities.
I have only been taking this class for two weeks and I have already learned so much! 

I learned about how the internet started and how it grew into what it is today.  I had to read about the different types of networks and the differences between each one, how computers transmit data from one to the other, and about internet connections.  I learned how DSL, cable, wireless, and mobile web work and I learned about the different organizations that help keep the internet running smoothly.

Some of this was pretty new to me while other parts of it were building on what I had already known.  Either way, I find it interesting how all the steps involved in transmitting data can be done so quickly on the internet.

Can't wait to get into the designing aspects of my classes!
I am about 6 weeks into my first quarter of the web design program and I start my web technology class next week.  Some online classes are 6 weeks and some are 12, and the web class is one of the 6 week courses.

Initially I was afraid I wouldn't do as well with online classes because I learn better with hearing than reading, but I have suprised myself so far.  The classes are easy to navigate and have forced me to prioritize my time to make sure I get all of my assignments done.  I think these classes are going to help me with self discipline as well as my major.
Well, I am new to the whole blog thing but here it goes.

I recently graduated with an AAS in Visual Communications.  The job hunt has not been as successful as my studies were.  I have searched and searched, but nothing has worked out for me yet so I decided that I needed to learn how to stand out from my fellow classmates. I decided I am going to purse web design.  hopefully with my knowledge in both areas I will be able to start a career that I love.

I understand that it's an uphill battle, but I am willing to fight to get to the top.  I will do whatever it takes to prove that I am capable.