A plan is crucial to the success of your Web site.  It will help meet the users' needs and requirements.  With a plan you will easier be able to track the progress of and maintain the Web site.  In the long run, having a plan will save time, effort and cost.

It may seem obvious, but start by asking yourself "What?".  As in, what the Web site's goals are.  Then ask yourself, "Who will be using this site?".  Tailor your plan to these needs.

Create a rough idea of the site.  Map out the content and layout for each page and identify the links between each page of the Web site.

Once the rough idea is ready, ask yourself "How?".  Compose text for each page and develop graphics and other media elements.  Put everything together using HTML code or a Web site editor, like DreamWeaver.

Test your Web site.  Have a group of users test your site for  errors and correct any bugs that are found.  Then you are ready to launch your site!

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